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Cruel is a popular pile based solitaire card game. Like in most pile based card games, once you remove all the cards from a pile, you can't start that pile again. You can recreate a pile by shifting cards into the piles with the shift button, but that's the only way you can get a pile back once you've removed it. Like in most solitaire games, you're trying to build the foundations up from Ace to King by suit, and Cruel starts you out with an Ace in every foundation. The rules for building on the piles makes the game a challenge, because you can only build the piles down by suit. This game would be completely impossible to win if it weren't for the ability to shift cards. On the bottom right of the game screen there is a 'Shift' button, and you can use this button as many times as you like in a single game. It shifts all the cards to the left, so that they make piles of 4 cards each again. You need to use this button strategically, when it will move cards you need in to positions that you can get to. Sometimes it makes sense to use the Shift button a lot, other times it's better to use it sparingly. Cruel is a great game that requires a lof of thinking & planning.